Tamal Industrial offers seawater intake and disposal systems for the offshore industry, designed specifically for floating production and storage vessels (i.e. FLNG, FPSO, etc). A seawater intake system provides a means of obtaining low oxygenated water for the cooling, process, utility and/or water injection systems to enhance processing efficiency.
Our manufacturer, Continental has developed a range of seawater intake riser systems that utilize flexible bonded rubber hoses. These are installed when moored offshore from inside the hull of the vessel or external to the vessel’s hull with hook-up device enabling field installation of the equipment without the need to deploy divers or ROVs for location, connection or recovery of the equipment.
Designed for new builds, conversions or retrofits, the seawater intake and disposal systems withstand extreme conditions, are extremely robust and easy to install. In the event a vessel needs to be relocated, the systems are also retrievable within 24hrs.
Each system is designed and custom built in accordance with project specifications and customer requirements and is provided with global static, dynamic and localized analysis of the flexible hose string during installation, operation and in extreme operating conditions.
Tamal’s single and double carcass hoses are widely utilized on floating production storage offloading (FPSO) vessels.
Hoses are manufactured to the latest OCIMF certification and, in many cases, the standard Continental hose range will already suit the design requirements of a particular FPSO installation; in others, such as reeled applications, customized versions of standard range hoses or somewhat more complex hose construction solutions are needed to withstand the rigours of service.
In recent years, the drive for increased reliability and longer service lifetimes has led to the development of hoses to meet the API 17K standard and these hoses can be offered for catenary hose applications where reduced interventions are desired.
Reach out to a Tamal expert for your specific project.